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Supported bands 10m - 40m
Length: aprox. 21m
Power: 200W SSB/CW
Fed-in long wires
Unlike dipole or windom antennas, end-fed long wires are matched via a 1: 10 single-phase balun. This converts the low-impedance cable impedance to the high-impedance value of the long wire end, which is around 400 - 800 ohms. Discrepancies are compensated for by an antenna tuner. Hari first introduced a type of balun that allows a free option to ground to a counterpoise or ground plane to further optimize cable ratios. Since the feeder cable is also connected at the end, the appearance is noticeably reduced compared to a dipole. The long wire can also be angled, set up as an open square or as a vertical L-antenna if space is limited. The wire lengths can also be changed slightly.
End-fed long wires according to PD7MAA
Weatherproof coils or special baluns 1 : 64 are available for artificially lengthened, end-fed long wires. PD7MAA has given detailed instructions for this on the Internet.