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When you learn the microcontroller, you can usually use three LEDs, namely red, green, and yellow, to simulate flashing the traffic light through an external connection. So we specially designed this module which is very convenient for wiring, and on the module you can see the red, yellow and green LED. This module is fully compatible with the Arduino microcontroller and the raspberry pi system.
Working voltage: 5VDC
Interface type: digital
int redled =5; // initialize digital pin 5.
int yellowled =4; // initialize digital pin 4.
int greenled =3; // initialize digital pin 3.
void setup()
pinMode(redled, OUTPUT);// set the pin with red LED as “output”
pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT); // set the pin with yellow LED as “output”
pinMode(greenled, OUTPUT); // set the pin with green LED as “output”
void loop()
digitalWrite(greenled, HIGH);//// turn on green LED
delay(5000);// wait 5 seconds
digitalWrite(greenled, LOW); // turn off green LED
for(int i=0;i {
delay(500);// wait 0.5 seconds
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH);// turn on yellow LED
delay(500);// wait 0.5 seconds
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW);// turn off yellow LED
delay(500);// wait 0.5 seconds
digitalWrite(redled, HIGH);// turn on red LED
delay(5000);// wait 5 seconds
digitalWrite(redled, LOW);// turn off red LED
Data sheet