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Interface Compatible with EIA / TIA RS-232 C and RS-422 standards. RS-232 side: female DB9 type connector. RS-422 side: male DB9 type connector with additional connection plate for wire-wire connections. Works in Half Duplex Full Duplex modes on RS422
Transfer speed from 300 to 115200 bps. Signals: RS232 C: TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND // RS422: D + / A (TX +), D- / B (TX-), RX +, RX-, GND, + 5 V, + 12. Maximum transmission distance 1200 m (RS-422) and 5 m (RS-232)
To connect different electronic devices between them (for example in the world of servers, automatisms, payment terminals, or simply more to synchronize a camera and a PC), it is often necessary to convert these two standards. This device is capable of converting RS232 to RS422 in extend the maximum distance to 1.2 km .. Passive, il does not require external power (the RS-232 interface is used to power). The internal circuit controls the direction of data flow. In RS-232 use, the software will behave like RS422 without any changes.