Aventuras de radio : La radioafición al alcance de todos (Espanhol)
  • Aventuras de radio : La radioafición al alcance de todos (Espanhol)

Aventuras de radio : La radioafición al alcance de todos (Espanhol)



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Aventuras de radio book  + Bookmark - In Spanish

Amateur radio is no longer so unknown.


We are no longer just crazy people with the microphone, eager to learn and have knowledge, but we are human people with values ​​and feelings, as well as very supportive.


We have a special gift for dealing with our fellow human beings, and we have developed intrinsic values ​​for the care of animals and the environment.


Willing to help others, without expecting anything in return, demonstrating the values ​​that we express in our stories, which are the bulwark inherited through time and that we continue and will continue to demonstrate at all times.
